NBA Picks for MLK Day

It was definitely a great week for me, but I have to put two great weeks together for it to mean anything to me. Glad to see some other peeps nailed the Raps along with me yesterday (man, they should have won that game, though). Let's go:

CHICAGO +2.5 (PUNCHOUT) (da Bulls are a machine at home; I know they have lost four games at home to Western Conference teams, but we are getting those points again, so I'll gladly take them; I don't think we need them, though; Bulls by 7 points)

L.A. LAKERS -5.5 (PUNCHOUT) (Kobe and the Lakers will get some sweet revenge against D-Wade and the Heat; Miami has been cruising on the road, but it is now playing its fourth road game in six nights and sixth in eleven nights; it is the end of the road trip and I'm sure they are ready to get back home; Lakers have been phenomenal at home so far, despite losing three games to Eastern Conference teams at Staples; L.A. smokes Miami by 16 points)

NEW YORK -1 (the Knicks have a better winning percentage than Sac-atomatas, what?; yeah, that's right, they do!; New York gets revenge from a couple weeks ago)

MILWAUKEE +5.5 (sure, Redd is out, but when the Bobcats start laying this many points, it's time to grab the points)

MINNESOTA +3 (the Pistons are struggling without Chauncey, and the T-Wolves are in a groove; I think they keep it up for another day; also like heavy pub. on Detroit and line moving the other way)

PHOENIX -9 (man, I hate road favs., but I smell another blowout by the Suns; the line seems to be a bit high, and yes, there's a reason for that: the Suns should annihilate this team)


posted by jdelt88

Jan. 15 2007 1:52am

10 replies

  1. 0 likes

    sixers -1

    phi/tor over 192.5

    bulls +2.5

    good luck


    posted by newman12

    Jan. 15 2007 5:55am
  2. 0 likes

    How could I forget and props to Dollar for turning me on to this one 3 years ago.


    For whatever reason, this game is always cash.

    ROLL ON -6 Atlanta at home against Boston.

    This game always seems to cash. Just remember it's MLK day and it's an early tip as is most of the NBA today.



    posted by pc7588

    Jan. 15 2007 12:04pm
  3. 0 likes

    20-16 ytd ats NBA

    Highest total of the year on the board tonight @ 232 in PHX/MEM.

    Seems way high but it's 58 a quarter which these teams are more than capable of. Only concern is a big first half lead by the Suns and then they tighten up a little in the second half which has happened many times this year . Gonna split the bet up and take the overs for 1Q/1H and game. Kinda small bets so I'll only count on the record if all 3 win or lose. Basically a TV action bet.

    Also love the Lakers tonight @ -6.



    posted by astroman

    Jan. 15 2007 1:08pm
  4. 0 likes

    Detroit -2.5


    posted by mj1430

    Jan. 15 2007 1:25pm
  5. 0 likes

    Golden State -2.5

    Det/Minn UNDER 184.5

    Phoenix -9


    posted by phball101

    Jan. 15 2007 1:34pm
  6. 0 likes

    1-2 in early games

    memphis +9

    memph/pho over 231

    good luck


    posted by newman12

    Jan. 15 2007 5:34pm
  7. 0 likes


    Golden State -2.5....Winner

    Det/Minn UNDER 184.5.....Winner-even going to OT

    Phoenix -9

    2-0 so far ( i knew i should have posted my early plays...went 2-0-1, oh well)

    adding .........Phoenix UNDER 232


    posted by phball101

    Jan. 15 2007 6:49pm
  8. 0 likes

    SUNS -9

    LAKERS -6


    posted by wardawg14522

    Jan. 15 2007 7:14pm
  9. 0 likes

    PROPS TO YOU finally clicking after watching yesterday i rode your selections 6-0 thanks.


    posted by coolrick1

    Jan. 16 2007 1:10am
  10. 0 likes

    PROPS TO YOU.Rode your selections today you finnally clicking thanks for 6-0

    sorry didnt mention your name properly in the last post because dint realize i am posting on the forum


    posted by coolrick1

    Jan. 16 2007 1:14am

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