Message from MonteCristo (BallinPicks.com)

Message from MonteCristo (BallinPicks.com)

Up until now, I have chosen to keep fairly quiet, and to not get involved in the day to day affairs of the public. I choose to listen ! There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said and observed, are already listening to what they are going to say next themselves, and ignoring what is going on around them.

I have chosen to be a mystery man. Who I am is not of any concern in our endeavor! Many have said that MonteCristo is someone else who frequents the forums and chat rooms. To be honest with you......they are dead wrong. I do not have the time nor the patience to get involved with these things.

What I have to offer is a chance to jump well above the crowd, and to be very successful at this little endeavor. My most successful area of sports handicapping is approaching very soon. It is called Football. I have destroyed the books, both overseas and in Las Vegas. That is precisely why I must remain a "mystery". And it is now time to prepare for the upcoming season. I will continue to reap the rewards and keep the books at bay! And, I will antagonize Las Vegas once again this season!

If anyone would like to join me in this endeavor, I have decided to "lend a hand" in this venture. My Football package will be available through my good friends at BallinPicks.

Why am I being so generous ? The answer is twofold. I have developed a friendship and loyalty to one of the founding fathers of this service. How we met is of no importance. Secondly, I see much guessing and bad judgement going on in the various forums, and that, my friends, is what the man strives and depends on! I will take away the guessing and the bad judgement. Follow me, as we become successful once again this season.

I will continue to remain the mystery man.

The true mystery of the world is the "visible" ..not the "invisible" !!

I wish you all much success and happiness in your journeys!



posted by dab2dap

July 20 2005 2:14pm

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