Anyone who will contribute for the Tallahassee plays: READ!

Hey everyone. There's a bit of disorder here. Deuce-bigalo has emailed me and a few others saying that he wants to go through with buying the Tallahassee service plays ASAP and for everyone to send $50 to his paypal account and as long as there's 10 people, he'd generously cover the rest if need be. However, I don't think we're in such a huge rush 'cause we're so disorganized AND there are only 3 games today/tomorrow and then it's the all-star break.

The confusion stems with the fact that hayastan has apparently already purchased the plays with a few other guys. Some people have already said in the chat room earlier that they're gonna chip in with hayastan's group. On the other hand, deuce-bigalo also has a group and I don't want everyone to be mixed up. Instead of splitting into two factions or more, how about we get this shit organized and have everyone just pay for one group instead?

I already sent emails out to hayastan and deuce to read this thread so we can figure out what will happen.

And as for everyone else, let's confirm that you're going to chip in.



posted by ericw

Feb. 12 2004 5:10am

4 replies

  1. 0 likes

    thats a good idea combine into 1 group. now you are thinking.we do need the gow gom goy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    posted by meangeneko

    Feb. 12 2004 10:34am
  2. 0 likes

    im down to combine to one group.it does not matter,because were all here for the same thing.whatever works.keep me updated. rogroc325@yahoo.com


    posted by deewlay

    Feb. 12 2004 12:00pm
  3. 0 likes

    I'm definitely in too. Just let me know what the plan is. My email is theman_5150@yahoo.com.

    Thanks :!:


    posted by theman_5150

    Feb. 12 2004 2:38pm
  4. 0 likes

    I've already sent Duece the money through PayPal. I'm cool with forming just one group or whatever just don't start hating on each other. Please keep me update at Camlai68@hotmail.com


    posted by greenapple001

    Feb. 14 2004 6:42pm

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