A-Train has been killing me with bad picks

Guys, I can't believe that A-Train and his bookie buster picks have been a bust, I went in with a friend to get the NFL season and his picks are just straight up losers, UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!

He has not been able to pick a winner this season, just to warn you guys not to go with A-Train till he gets his act together. I am now with another service and I am winning. Still need to win more to make up for the losing BookieBuster picks that I got from week 1 to 5.

Good Luck to all,



posted by parlayfever

Oct. 20 2004 4:54pm

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    Yeah this year u can"t rely on A-Train's pick. I myself also bought his NFL package. After following 3 weeks of loss picks I learned my lesson. It seems he doesn't care anymore more cuz he was banking last year, so much money now he doesn't seem to care. That's why now I'm going against his picks and I am hitting every week after week 3. Keep that in mind and bet against his picks cuz you'll be hitting more than losing. I regret buying his seasonal package this year cuz it turned out to be a rip off. GO AGAINST A-TRAINS' PICKS


    posted by bomba215

    Oct. 28 2004 2:36pm

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