Picks for Wed, Oct 10th



posted by ricky

Oct. 9 2007 11:07pm

9 replies

  1. 0 likes

    Lets get this shit started early....

    Navy vs. Pitt........Very tough game to cap, as they come out fairly equal.....I think the over may be a good play as both Defenses are sub par.


    posted by shomeSSS

    Oct. 10 2007 8:55am
  2. 0 likes

    Looking forward to the AL CS and NLCS now that my Cubs will (shockingly) have to wait another year.

    Post season record 3-1 (+2.6 units)

    Final regular season 84-53-1 (+21.86 units)


    posted by gocubsgo22

    Oct. 10 2007 10:55am
  3. 0 likes

    boys up to +6 on bodog. i was willing to play them at +3, can't even believe i see +6. what does everyone think, does this line continue to go up? or do i hit it now. i cant imagine it goes higher, but didnt expect 6 either.


    posted by terpkeg

    Oct. 10 2007 3:03pm
  4. 0 likes

    I already have a strong lean in tonights game...

    I just want to study it more...


    posted by thenooch

    Oct. 10 2007 4:30pm
  5. 0 likes


    Pittsburgh -4

    GL :wink:


    posted by takis28

    Oct. 10 2007 5:10pm
  6. 0 likes

    NAVY +4

    Sure Pittsburgh needs to win this game with their brutal schedule ahead, but there is one BIG reason why they will lose outright to the Midshipmen...Turnovers! Pitt averaging almost 4 turnovers per game their last 3, while Navy is averaging 1 turn in their last 3 games. That's almost like giving the opposition (potentially) 12-28 free points per game. Sure Pitt is decent against the rush, but the #2 rush in the country? No way!

    Roll with Navy tonight.


    posted by redrascal

    Oct. 10 2007 5:42pm
  7. 0 likes

    For those of you playing the U tonight, I just dropped it a full pount when I put 4 U on it...LOl.

    played my side already also but I wanted to keep checking a few things before I post it.

    Actually, I will just post the total and leave the side alone...

    U 54. (it should be 53 in most places now)

    GL all...


    posted by thenooch

    Oct. 10 2007 6:06pm
  8. 0 likes

    It's going to be hard for me to bet on a Dave Wannstedt coached football team starting a true freshman... but you never know!

    I'm sure that most of you saw this if your capping the game:

    http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/preview?gameId=272830221&confId=80 [scores.espn.go.com]">http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/preview?g [scores.espn.go.com] ... &confId=80


    posted by frosty

    Oct. 10 2007 6:11pm
  9. 0 likes

    RUN, Navy, RUN.


    posted by sherlock37

    Oct. 10 2007 8:52pm

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