Statistics through 1/27/04

CJHILL has been keeping track of the statistics of picks posted on this board. Props to him for the great job. They are all listed below. Not sure how well they are going to look once I post. Email him cjhill13@aol.com if you catch any mistakes.

Thanks to CJHILL!!!!!!!!!!!

username NBA NCAA BB NHL NFL Teasers Parlays Overall Units

bonestix 7-0 9-9-1 5-3-1 1-1 22-13-1 9

mrlasvegas3 12-5-1 9-8 2-2 1-0 24-15-1 9

OompaLoompa 31-24-1 31-24-1 7

Sundaybreak 4-8-1 6-12 21-6-2 3-1 0-1 34-27-3 7

trilogy251 6-1 5-3 11-4 7

JoeWeaver 14-7-2 13-15 1-1 28-23-2 5

kalind 26-15-1 24-26-3 0-4 0-1 0-1 50-45-4 5

CJHill 16-7-2 8-15-2 8-5-1 0-1 32-28-5 4

Couver1 7-3-3 1-1 8-4-1 4

d3siplaya 3-0 1-0 4-0 4

jdelt88 11-7 11-7 4

Mrwinstrol5 5-2-1 1-0 6-2-1 4

sneakykd 0-1 10-5 10-6 4

DawgofVegas 1-1 4-1 5-2 3

dmoney1979 5-1 4-6 1-0 10-7 3

noluvv 3-0 1-1 4-1 3

southernbird 4-1 3-3 1-1 1-1 0-0-1 0-1 9-6 3

Takis28 4-5 10-7 14-12 2

BigLaff 0-1 3-1 3-2 1

bozoclown1 6-5 6-5 1

gyphin 4-7-1 7-5 1-1 3-1 15-14-1 1

j981 1-0 1-0 1

to win 1-0-1 1-0-1 1

Dead-Money 3-3 3-3 0

Dollarbillz1 2-2 2-2 0

goat 1-1 1-1 0

kstruthe 7-5 6-8 13-13 0

roland 2-2 2-2 0

ricky 7-7-1 1-1 8-8-1 0

Sublime 1-1-2 1-1-2 0

FlaquitoEstevez 3-6 13-11-1 0-1 16-17-1 -1

glen1475 2-1 4-6 6-7 -1

golfnfool21 1-2 1-2 -1

joelob 9-10 9-10 -1

makavelithedon 0-1 0-1 0-1 -1

PMJackson21 0-1 0-1 -1

bigdanusa 0-1 0-1 0-2 -2

C-Mack 10-10 0-2 10-12 -2

NARAD5 1-4 2-1 3-5 -2

Rastafari 2-4 1-1 3-5 -2

skydivin 0-2-1 3-3 3-5-1 -2

snowflake 9-11 9-11 -2

VIP222 0-2 0-2 -2

Wardawg15422 5-7 22-22-1 1-1 28-30-1 -2

Hevman 1-3 0-1 1-4 -3

JSall12 9-10 1-3-1 0-1 10-13-1 -3

Knickforlife 2-1 5-9 0-1 7-10 -3

MARZABARZ 0-1 19-21 19-22 -3

pakman1957 12-9-1 10-15-2 6-6-2 0-1 28-31-5 -3

meeks 12-16-3 12-16-3 -4

deewlay 0-4 0-4 -4

Drtnapper07 2-5-1 9-10 1-1 12-16-1 -4

zoneblitzzzzz 4-4 3-7 7-11 -4

Frankilla 0-4 2-3-1 2-7-1 -5

phball101 3-5 18-21-1 21-26-1 -5

K-Dog 3-4-1 10-15-1 13-19-2 -6

PC7588 8-10-1 9-13-1 1-1 18-24-2 -6

Rolex888 6-12-1 1-1 7-13-1 -6

schube2 5-12-1 5-12-1 -7

luapssenmo 9-12-2 6-9-1 2-3 0-2 0-1 17-26-3 -9

ElNino1734 4-5 18-27-2 22-32-2 -10

Pisswilly 6-7 5-14 1-1 12-22 -10

nystrooper 11-17-1 16-23 1-4-1 1-1 29-45-2 -16


posted by ricky

Jan. 28 2004 10:20pm

2 replies

  1. 0 likes

    well, I sure dropped my total after last night. I did make it up on some late winners that were pure luck.



    Over in Kings

    san jose

    parlay to get back on top yesterday

    loss on Vandy, those little whiney rich kids have no heart!


    posted by southernbird

    Jan. 29 2004 10:08am
  2. 0 likes

    Thanks, man, that's great work!!! If you want to private message me with your address, I'll send you a thank you gift. Same thing I sent Ricky for running the site. Let me know bro, thanks again for all you do.



    posted by pc7588

    Jan. 29 2004 4:31pm

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