What the fuck is the purpose here ???
Man I look back at the weekend I had and after it was all said and done, I gained $385 with another Cutter hitting !! Not good in my books considering the risk involved. Some may say yeah almost 4 bills in 2 days is good, but your only fooling yourself !! You won't make it off of that, THEN shit starts going down in the NBA forum.
I am trying to figure out the purpose of that. Now I must say that I have really toned it down a lot and just try to keep everything in check, but let me know if I'm wrong by what I seen ??
First of all, you had a muthafucker call PC out about a week or so ago, then when the going got HOT, he had his planned escape route, the Cancer card. How fucking Childish is that and if it was so, then why is a muthafucker on this site if he has so many home issues ?? For relaxation ?? Sweating out a game ?? LMAO, get the fuck real !!!
Now we have 2 vets battling it out once again and a muthafucker with 11 posts ( 5 today ) that wants to throw his 2 cents in. Patsman, your a fucking phony and I don't give a shit who your associated with !! Don't come in here talking about family when you haven't done shit for no one here !! All your doing is adding fuel to the fire and nobody really gives a fuck what your opinion is. If you want to contibute, knock yourself OUT, if you want to talk shit, go somewhere else !! Vegas will be the first one to tell you he had a fucked up weekend, so don't pump up some bullshit !! As others would say, when Vegas is on, he's on, when he's not, he's not !!
Now speaking of Vegas and GT. First of all, I have mad respect for GT !! That dude is in the chat room almost everynight throwing out plays and winners to go with them. he doesn't post much, but that's his style. Teeks don't post much, Team of Destiny doesn't post much, Capcon doesn't post at all I think, but my point is, these guys will do the hit em up style hard and often !!!! There are some more to, let's say Ricky, Como, Slam, Takis, JimmyZ, shit the list could go on and on, but my point is these guys don't post much but do very well with their selections !! I personally hit 3 out of 4 GT's play's this weekend and that's not uncommon !!
So why call someone out that actually contributes is my question ??
Man, we are here to make a fucking dollar on the side and some try to make a living out of the game !! Not to bash peeps because of this or that.
Vegas, you have hit very well over the past. A losing day is a losing day, nothing more, nothing less. Guys think you are Patsman because of multiple ID's. Instead of fighting to defend something that's not true, simply by-pass the situation and move on !! Man you shouldn't have exploded on GT like that. One nigga don't do that to the next !!
So my question is, What the fuck is our purpose here ??? Are we going to act like Black peeps and still fight over something that doesn't exsist ? Slavery. Or are we going to get our shit together, combine our knowledge under 1 and hit the man for what he's worth ??
And my final thought is >>> If you read this, then respond with " What the fuck is the purpose here ". This is a FREE forum so cast your thoughts.
I'm in no means calling anyone out and if you think that's the case, then let me know, but this crazy ass, non-sense bullshit has gots to stop !!! This isnt the fucking Comic review !!!