Cotto W12 Malignaggi (Detailed Results)

Cotto W12 Malignaggi

Round 12

An immediate clinch and Cotto is ripping hooks in to Malignaggiâ?Ts body and head. They stand head to head and grapple while punching with their free hands. Malignaggi jabs. Cotto moves in and lands a hard right hook to the body. Another clinch. Cotto works well on the inside. One minute to go. Cotto unloads with both hands and is moving forward with the KO in mind. Malignaggi wonâ?Tt go away though. Hard hook to the head by Cotto with under ten seconds left. COTTO 10-9.

Round 11

They clinch to open the round and wrestle in the middle of the ring. Cotto is relentless and Malignaggi is bleeding badly from the nose. Cotto lands a sizzling left hook. Pauile lands a good jab before another clinch. Weak 1-2 from Malignaggi lands. Better 1-2 from Paulie, Cotto gets inside and pounds away to the body. Left hook to the jaw by Cotto lands flush. Malignaggi stands defiantly and jabs at Cotto. Another stiff jab from Malignaggi, whose nose is still gushing. Cotto finishes strong with hooks to the body. COTTO 10-9.

Round 10

Cotto swinging wide and missing. Crowd in Malignaggiâ?Ts corner. They tie up and Cotto rips to the body. Cotto chant starts from crowd. They tie up and Cotto seems desperate to break the clinch. 1-2 from Malignaggi. One minute left. Body shots by Cotto followed by a big left hook. Malignaggi tries to box, but they clinch again. Cotto is digging with both hands. COTTO 10-9.

Round 9


Round 8

The doctor checks Paulieâ?Ts cut eye before the round starts, but allows the fight to continue. Cotto jumps in and scores before another clinch. They size each other up briefly. Paulie misses a right and eats a hook in return. They clinch. Jabs from Cotto. Malignaggi lands a quick combination and does it again. Cotto responds with vicious body shots that have reddened Malignaggiâ?Ts body. Malignaggi goes down but itâ?Ts called a slip by Smoger. Malignaggiâ?Ts jaw is swollen from the Cotto hooks. Malignaggi lands a quick 1-2 and clinches. COTTO 10-9.

Round 7

Cotto out fast and scores with a couple of quick shots. Malignaggi jabs. They trade and clinch. Malignaggi is moving in circles around Cotto and scoring with pesky combinations. Paulie punches and gets out of trouble. Cotto catches him in a corner and unloads with some heavy body shots. Cotto is digging to the body with both hands and landing. They clinch. Paulie jabs. Cotto landing a lot more now. Stiff jab from Cotto. Cotto mauls Malignaggi on the inside. Big left by Cotto before the bell. COTTO 10-9.

Round 6

They trade jabs and tangle up. Malignaggi fires off a combination and they tie up again. Cotto comes forward and throws some punches that miss. The pace is working in Malignaggiâ?Ts favor right now. Cotto misses two jabs. Paulie lands a sloppy 1-2 but follows with a better combination. Cotto misses and they clinch. On the break Cotto lands a left hook. They pound away on the inside. Stiff jab by Cotto sends sweat flying from Malignaggiâ?Ts head. Paulie lands a three punch combo. Malignaggi flurries to the bell. MALIGNAGGI 10-9.

Round 5

They trade jabs. Cotto comes in fast and wrestles with Malignaggi. Two good 1-2s by Malignaggi. Three punch combo by Malignaggi, who shakes his right hand. Malignaggi busier this round. They tangle and Cotto fires to the body with his free hand. 1-2 by Paulie and they tie up. Three punch comnbination by Malignaggi. Cotto wings in a left hook but itâ?Ts partially blocked. One minute to go. Cotto lands a quick combination. Hooks to the body by Cotto. Cotto lands a hard left jab. Malignaggi lands a combination in the last ten seconds. MALIGNAGGI 10-9.

Round 4

Cotto out fast and throwing hard shots. Malignaggi gets out of trouble and jabs. They tangle up. Jab to the belly by Malignaggi. Low left hook by Cotto. They tie up. Two more hooks to the midsection by Cotto, one low. Jabs upstairs and down from Cotto. Cotto really going after the body now. They tangle with one minute left. Hooks to body and head from Cotto. They tie up. Jabs from Malignaggi. Paulie lands a leaping hook. Cotto lands and blood is coming from Malignaggiâ?Ts nose. COTTO 10-9.

Round 3

Malignaggi throws a 1-2. He jabs to the belly of Cotto, who is still stalking. Malignaggi is moving more efficiently early on here. Quick jabs from Paulie. Cotto digs to the body. Malignaggi is jabbing with his left hand low. The flow of blood from the cut has stopped. Cotto misses a wide hook. Jabs from Malignaggi miss. Cotto misses his attack as well. The pace has slowed. Good jabs to head and body from Cotto. Jabs from Malignaggi are answered with hooks to the body from Cotto. They tangle on the ropes. EVEN 10-10.

Round 2

Malignaggi starts jabbing, Cotto answers back quickly with winging hooks that are coming in fast. Malignaggi is still standing in front of Cotto. 1-2 by Paulie. Two minutes left, Cotto drops Malignaggi with a clean left hook to the jaw. Paulie is up right away and jabbing. Cotto is coming forward with bad intentions. Malignaggi is wisely moving now. Cotto lands again with a hook. Malignaggi fires a quick combo back, but the last word is from Cotto vis a hook that Malignaggi acknowledges. Cotto lands another big hook and Malignaggi holds. Another hook just misses the chin. Malignaggi fires a 1-2 at the bell. COTTO 10-8.

Round 1

Malignaggi leads with a couple of jabs. They tie up and wrestle briefly. Cotto is stalking. Malignaggi jabs and gets inside, landing a couple of hooks. Malignaggi is standing right in front of Cotto, who is poker faced. They exchange on the ropes. Paulie is cut on the corner of his left eye â?" looks bad, and probably from a head butt. Cotto throws some big shots, Malignaggi ggoes down, but itâ?Ts from a push. They engage again and trade with their free arms while wrestling. Malignaggi is showing no fear of Cotto. Malignaggi lands a quick combination. MALIGNAGGI 10-9.

Per MaxBoxing


posted by dab2dap

June 11 2006 1:17am

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