Hopkins W12 Tarver (Detailed Results)


Hopkins W12 Tarver

Total punches

Tarver: 78 of 437, 18%

Hopkins: 133 of 417, 32%

Power punches

Tarver: 48 of 211, 23%

Hopkins: 126 of 343, 37%

All three judges score the bout 118-109 for the winner by unanimous

decision, Bernard Hopkins.

Maxboxing scores the bout 118-109.

Round 12

The crowd cheers as Hopkins comes out. Nice body right by Hops and Tarver

lands a left. More mugging shots in close by Bernard and he lands a sweet

left hook as Tarver covers to block the body blow. Hops moves away from a

left. His defense has been very good tonight when Tarver did punch. Right

and a flurry by Hopkins.

Jab by Tarver. Big counter cross by Hops and Tarver moves back. That shot

stopped him in his tracks. They trade rights and Bernard gets the better of

it. Sneak cross by Hops. Thirty seconds left. Hops is dancing and switching

directions and having fun. Tarver lands a left.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 11

Right by Hopkins and he unloads a three punch combo. Tarver looks tired and

his nose might be bloodied. He's really getting cuffed around here. It's

death by a thousand paper cuts. Jab by Tarver misses. Hops then circles and

switches directions and kills some clock. Tarver misses a big left as Hops

gets just back enough and off at an angle. Tarver eats another combo and

Tarver's right eye is badly swollen.

Hops shoeshines another combo as Tarver just covers up. And again. He is

totally owning Tarver at this point and having fun. This is like watching

your dad box your older brother to let him know who the dad is.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 10

Left to the belly by Tarver. Right by Hops to the body and he backs him up

and mugs in with a right uppercut on the ropes. The crowd loves it. Another

sneak right by Hops as it snakes right between Tarver's gloves. Tarver now

is fighting righty for a bit, doing nothing, then goes back to lefty. Combo

by Tarver. Counter combo and then a string of seven or eight short shots by

Hopkins as Tarver covers up on the ropes. Big slapping sneak hook by Hops as

Tarver walks to him.

Tarver misses a big left and Hopkins steps across the ring smiling. Then

Tarver comes after him and Hops turns at him with a flurry, driving him back

into the corner. Great ploy by Hopkins to make another statement.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 9

Hops ducks under a combo and hit's a right to the face. Tarver seems

slightly more aggressive here but still is getting picked and countered.

Tarver has done very little with his jab in the fight, and in fact hasn't

landed a solid one since the opening round. He looks terrible compared to

his form against Roy Jones, even the third Jones match where he looked

mediocre in spots. Hops blocks a one-two and dives in, clinching and

muscling Tarver back. Left by Tarver. Hook by Hops. Good one-two by Tarver

and Hops pops him a right.

Nice left by Hopkins as he digs into his shots, moving Antonio into the

corner as the bell sounds. At this point, Tarver is further behind than

Trinidad was after 9.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 8

Big cross by Bernard to open the round. Tarver seems to take them well

enough but he is not firing back. Body left by Tarver, Hops misses a right

but lands a one-two as Tarver can't decide where to attack him. Tarver

misses a pawing three-punch combo. Hops misses a looping right. Tarver

combos and misses almost all of the string of shots as Hops weaves and ducks

off the ropes. Nice left uppercut by Tarver and Hops misses a right. Good

shot by Tarver. He digs a left into the belly. Tarver misses a left.

Left by Tarver and Hops pops him back a glancing cross.

Tarver wins round 10-9.

Round 7

Hopkins moves in with a lead right and circles away. He's in a pattern here

and Tarver needs to disrupt it or he's going to lose. Tarver misses a one

two and Hops counters him an uppercut moment later. They tie up and Hops is

looking lively, Tarver very much not. Body right by Bernard. Tarver tries to

move Hops in the clinch and Bernard just tosses him back into original

position on the ropes.

Right by Hopkins. Big left by Tarver but Hopkins rolls back with it. Right

by Hops and another, both partially landing. Right by Hops. It's becoming

redundant and Tarver looks outclassed thus far. No doubt, we'll hear a lot

of talk about him being drained making weight. Or maybe somebody just

slipped him some Quaaludes.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 6

Tarver misses a left, pushing it out. Hopkins misses a hook. Hopkins lands a

hard right lead and Tarver covers up. He is breaking Tarver down, and seems

to be hitting as effectively at this weight as he did at middle. Tarver

misses another left. He hasn't thrown many combinations this fight. Body

left by Hops.

Right lead by Hops comes quick and nails Tarver. Tarver moves back into the

ropes as Hops bulls him backward. Left by Tarver. Another right by Hops and

he ties up. A muffled flurry by Hops as Tarver covers up, his gloves high,

and not coming back to land leather in return.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 5

Hops misses a hook and Tarver misses a jab. They tie up. Hops is looking

cagey thus. Then he lands a perfect sneaky right counter, and Tarver goes

back, caught hard....and Tarver's glove hits the canvas, and a knockdown is

scored! This is a huge momentum boost for Hopkins. Tarver covers up and Hops

mugs him with stuff inside. Tarver is going back and on the ropes now, and

Hopkins seems to be giving us a déjà vu of his win over Felix Trinidad

nearly five years ago.

Big one two by Hops, with a hard right. Tarver digs a pair of left back and

there are some good shots being throw, mostly by Hopkins.

Hopkins wins round 10-8.

Round 4

Hopkins has landed 23 power shots so far, Tarver just 7. Tarver misses a

right hook, very stiff. Nice counter left by Tarver. He misses a left and

Hops cuffs him a jab. Tarver misses a big left and Hops ducks under it, then

firing off a combo. Nice left by Hopkins. More jabs and leaping combo by

Hops as he is hard for Tarver to figure out.

Jabs by both and Hopkins circles out. He is tying up Tarver masterfully when

in close and just keeping him off-rhythm. Tarver misses a left and eats a

cross. Good left by Tarver at the bell.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 3

Hook by Hopkins. Tarver is surprisingly placid, not pressuring the way you'd

think he would, given his natural size advantage. Hopkins ducks under a left

and pops two right into Tarver's side. Hook to the chest by Hopkins. He is

leaping in behind it and Tarver is a little less sharp than you would think

he would be. Right by Hopkins. They pose and bob in front of each other for

a good forty seconds. Finally Hopkins tosses off a lead right and misses but

the crowd loves it.

Right by Hopkins again. Mugging stuff by Bernard in close. Right to the

belly by Bernard and Tarver just ties up. He looks like he might be drained

from making weight or something. Or perhaps he's waiting to get warmed up.

Either way, he just gave away another round.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 2

Tarver fires a big combo and Hops ducks under it. They tie up and Hops mugs

him with a right to the head. Jab by Tarver. Not a lot of shots from Tarver

so far, especially considering he's got to knock Hopkins out in five rounds

or lose a quarter million, as apparently stated in their contract.

Big left by Tarver as Hopkins wades inside. Very hard. Hopkins circles and

goes back to boxing. Hopkins misses a right lead. Hopkins lands a pair of

good counter cross and a pair of hooks. Very well done! Then a one-two.

Tarver misses a left lead. Good round for Hopkins, fighting in spots and

killing the clock as Tarver is not pressuring him too much. Hops covers up

and ducks a combo and eats a partial left cross. Body right by Hopkins.

Hopkins wins round 10-9.

Round 1

Hopkins opens with a jab-right that miss and he ties up. Tarver, inching

forward behind jabs, lands his first good one, snapping Hopkins' head back.

Nice left cross down the pipe by Tarver and Hopkins hits him a cross in

return. Tarver misses two looping lefts. Hops is circling and playing his

old cagey self. He leaps in and misses a right that Tarver blocks. Hopkins

misses a right and they tie up. Hopkins lands a right off a misses combo.

Tarver doesn't seem to be moved by it, but it's a good combo and the first

he's landed.

Cross-hook combo by Tarver misses as Hops ducks under it. They circle until

the bell.

Tarver wins round 10-9.

Per MaxBoxing


posted by dab2dap

June 11 2006 1:14am

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