%%%Tallahassee 2/19%%%

Hope everyone cashed in with Orlando Magics as our Game of the Week. The

Games of Week now stand at 20-2. Still on tap for February is our

guaranteed Game of the Month coming soon. Please consult the website for

additional detail regarding our ‘heavy hitter’ plays. With a limited

card in NBA tonight we have picked out one single winner for everyone.

As your aware our policy is to never force a play. We will have plenty

of action tomorrow and over the weekend.


Philadelphia + 5


posted by sasa408

Feb. 19 2004 3:40pm

3 replies

  1. 0 likes

    can't wait for GOM!


    posted by nastyd33

    Feb. 20 2004 1:45am
  2. 0 likes

    Just seen on CBSsportsline that Tally's GOM was gonna be next week????


    posted by gobux

    Feb. 20 2004 2:15pm
  3. 0 likes



    posted by trap_gamer

    Feb. 24 2004 11:30am

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